Archive for the ‘Appendix 8: Craft’ Category

Appendix 8: Craft

Crafts are suggested for each unit. Approximately 15 minutes should be allowed each class to work on the unit craft. It is recommended that a second room be used for craft activity. This leaves the cave in darkness.

Helping Hands Bookends Instructions

Craft Helping Hands Bookends

Turn around Time Machine Instructions

Craft Time Machine Instructions

Time Machine decal

Time Machine decal

In Search of Elijah decal

In Search of Elijah decal

Sweet Dreams Blindfold Instructions

Craft Sweet Dreams Blindfold

No Noise Zone Door Hanger Instructons

Craft No Noise Door Hanger

No Noise Door Hanger Print Sheet

No Noise Zone Door Hanger Print Sheet

Sweet Dreams Blindfold Print Sheet

Sweet Dreams Blindfold Print Sheet

Peg Game Instructions

Craft Peg Game Instructions

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Teacher's Resources

Lesson Plans, Activities, and Video links are provided for teacher preparation. Student Books may be obtained at Search for "dudley's cave".